Entry required for covid19

Entry requirement for COVID-19 in TanzaniaUpon arrival, you are required to present proof of a negative COVID-19 test. Note that the test must have been made using a sample collected within 96 hours of departure for Tanzania. You have two options for the types of tests accepted. The two tests are: Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAATs).


If you arrive from certain countries experiencing variants of interest and high Covid-19 case numbers you are then required to take a rapid antigen test on arrival in Tanzania, at your own expense.

Here Is the list of countries for which rapid antigen testing is required. You have to observe this requirement if you also travelled through these countries within 14 days of arrival in Tanzania.
This requirement also applies to all passengers who have travelled through these countries within 14 days of arrival in Tanzania.

Public Health Surveillance Form

 You are also required to fill in a mandatory to complete the Public Health Surveillance Form online within 24 hours before arrival. You can start by searching your passport on the field above and complete the travelers form. Children traveling with a guardian/parent, will also need to complete their own form.

Latest Travel Alert

Currently there are no restrictions to travel to Tanzania. Travel to Tanzania has not been impacted by the discovery of the new coronavirus variant Omicron. No travel for travelers coming from the US, UK, Canada.

We're vaccinated and ready to receive you
Our staff are vaccinated and adhere to the standard operating procedures for COVID-19

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