Why summiting at night mountain kilimanjaro ?

Most trek groups begin their summit attempt at around midnight. Guide is explain why we tackle the summit climb at night, what to expect, what to wear and how to tackle this physical as well as mental challenge.

It takes days of climbing to reach the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro. Unsurprisingly, we hike up the mountain in the daylight. But then (and here’s the part that does surprise many), the ascent up the final begins at midnight. Why? Why summit Kilimanjaro at night, when it’s icy cold, you can’t see beyond the beam of your torch, and every instinct tells you to run to your tent and dive back into your sleeping bag. 😄
So It’s because the climb is very hard that you feel so glorious when you reach the summit! 😃

We’re not alone in doing things this way – you’ll be joined by trekkers climbing with other operators who were at base camp with you.

11 pm: You're woken up by a member of your mountain crew and brought a hot drink. Then it's time to dress, pack and get ready to leave camp.
Midnight: You leave base camp and head for the summit!
Around sunrise: Stop at Stella Point (5,739 m) to marvel at the beauty of the sunrise and the emerging view.
About 30 minutes later: Reach the highest point on Kilimanjaro, Uhuru Peak (5,895 m)! Celebration time!! 🎉
Down your guide will provide the certificate from Tanzania National Park as a congratulations to you.

Dont plan to miss this huge and amazing experience in your life.

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